Guide: Relics – RAID: Shadow Legends
RAID: Shadow Legends English (US) Deutsch Español Français Italiano 日本語 한국어 Português Русский Українська 繁體中文
RAID: Shadow Legends - Plarium
The realm of Teleria is under a shadow cast by the Dark Lord, Siroth. You are a summoner recruited by Teleria’s immortal guardian – the Arbiter – to foil his schemes. Encounter an expansive range of strategy, 10 PvE and PvP gameplay modes, peerless character skill customization, and explosive clan-centered cooperative play.
Altar of Souls – RAID: Shadow Legends
Basics The Altar of Souls is where you can summon Souls to Awaken your Champions, making them stronger than ever before. Awakening a Champion grants them access to Blessings, which increase stats ...
Bosses – RAID: Shadow Legends - Plarium
RAID: Shadow Legends English (US) Deutsch Español Français Italiano 日本語 한국어 Português Русский Українська 繁體中文
RAID: Shadow Legends OFFICIAL Community Forum - Plarium
Welcome to the OFFICIAL RAID: Shadow Legends online forum. Get the latest news, discuss strategy with other players, get tips and find answers.
Glyphs - RAID: Shadow Legends
Basics Glyphs are special items that are used to enchant your Artifacts and upgrade their substats. The main way to get your hands on Glyphs is by beating Faction Crypt Stages in Faction Wars. You ...
基本ガイド:装備アイテムの概要 – RAID: Shadow Legends
基本情報 遺物と装飾品(装備アイテム)は特殊なアイテムで、英雄が装備できるものです。 遺物は「武器」、「ヘルメット」、「シールド」、「ガントレット」、「チェストプレート」、「ブーツ」の6種類、装飾品は「指輪」、「アミュレット」、「旗」の3種類があり、すべての英雄 …
ドゥームタワーボスの倒し方 – RAID: Shadow Legends
ドゥームタワーのボス攻略は大変難易度の高いチャレンジです。プレイヤーの皆様向けに勝つためのヒントをいくつかご用意しました。 スカラベキング: - スカラベキングは理力の属性であるため、精神の属性を持つ英雄を使用しましょう - 「相手の最大HPを減少」させるスキルを持つ英 …
RAID: Shadow Legends x Monster Hunter™ collaboration - Plarium
2024年11月27日 · RAID: Shadow Legends is adapting the beloved tale of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, complete with 5 Legendary Champions, an Event Dungeon, and new Relics! Claim the heroic Alice the Wanderer for free just by opening the game, and complete the Mad Hatter Fusion Event to grab the infamous sorcerer as well.
突袭:暗影传说 - Plarium
RAID: Shadow Legends 史诗魔幻收集型角色扮演游戏