  1. 25 Best Model Fashion Poses for Fashion Photography

    • One of the most straightforward model poses is to have them stand directly in front of the camera and photograph them straight-on. Even though this is a simple pose, you find this in numerous fashion magazi… 展开

    Standing Poses Above The Camera

    If you want a powerful look in your modeling poses, photograph from down low so your model towers over you. The model’s stance will converge to a point at their head. Stan… 展开

    Leaning on A Wall

    Leaning against a wall is one of those model poses people are naturally drawn to. This casual pose doesn’t take much effort to get right. It also allows you to cycle through different … 展开

    The Full-Length Shot

    Full-body poses can be hard to get right. But they look amazing when done well. The full-length shot will require your model to be away from the camera and often works best with a 50mm or … 展开
