Mega Gengar vs Gigantamax Gengar vs Z Hypnosis Gengar : …
Apr 27, 2021 · Mega Gengar is the only remotely usable one. Regular Gengar (which Z-Hypnosis and GMax Gengar effectively are) can't hold a candle to anything in AG. However, Mega Gengar is significantly worse than its peak in gen 7.
Pokebattler Mega Gengar Raid Guide : r/TheSilphRoad - Reddit
Oct 21, 2020 · When caught, Gengar (Mega) will be between 1566 and 1644 cp without a weather boost. In Overcast weather, Gengar (Mega) will be between 1958 and 2055 when caught. Release History: 10/23/2020-11/03/2020 Mega Gengar will be available as both a raid boss and can also be obtained via a special quest line on 10/25/2020. Mega Gengar will be replacing ...
How do I use Mega Gengar ? What are its strengths and weaknesses.
May 28, 2022 · A team that hates Zygarde-C or Mega Salamence can run Icy Wind on it to ensure that Mega Gengar gives them hell. And Gengar can obviously utilize its awesome STABs, Focus Blast, and a crazy support movepool including Sub, Disable, Perish Song, Wisp, T-Wave, Taunt, and Destiny Bond to catch-22 your opponent in various ways, depending on what you ...
Gengar : r/pokerogue - Reddit
May 12, 2024 · Mega Gengar is LEAGUES better than G-Max, with better speed, better special attack with NOTHING that makes it worse than G-Max in ANY way. You’d only be able to switch between G-Max and Mega if Gengar is the first pokemon you pick in a fusion
[Meta] What's the best counter to Gengar/Mega Gengar? : …
Feb 3, 2014 · If Gengar isn't Mega, Alakazam outspeeds by 20 points. If they are both Mega, Alakazam outspeeds, but if Gengar is Mega and Alakazam isn't, Gengar outspeeds him. But if one Psyshock from a Modest Focus Sash Alakazam OHKOs Gengar, doesn't that mean that Alakazam can switch into Gengar and kill him, albeit end up with 1 HP?
Mega-Gengar advice? : r/CompetitivePokemon - Reddit
Aug 24, 2018 · Mega Gengar is currently in Ubers by Smogon rules, and for good reason. Thanks to its phenomenal specially offensive prowess and its great defensive typing + Levitate before Mega Evolution, it can easily fulfill the roles of revenge killing and wallbreaking on its own.
Mega Gengar is extremely overpowered. : r/TruePokemon - Reddit
Nov 5, 2013 · The lack of priority also REALLY hurts Gengar and makes it extremely easy to check. Mega Gengar's ability to effectively bypass Sleep Clause (you can't sacrifice a pokemon to absorb sleep if you can't switch it out) can be a problem for defensive teams, but Hypnosis is not a reliable move (neither is Baton Pass for that matter).
Mega-Gengar Strategy Help : r/pokemon - Reddit
Dec 13, 2013 · Mega Gengar can trap and kill virtually everything in the game. Focus Blast can take out dark types, dazzling gleam can also take out dark and fighting types, it has substitute, it has perish song, it has destiny bond. Why can't you guys get over the fact that this character brings striking similarities to ST Chandelure with a even greater move ...
Lick vs shadow claw gengar : r/TheSilphRoad - Reddit
Oct 9, 2022 · Mega gengar doesn't always need to desperately dodge. Altered giratina for one, it can safely ignore dodging and concentrate on dealing massive damage. When you are in need of dodging, if you're good enough then go with lick, but most people aren't, so going with the higher damage of claw allows more damage output before the inevitable ...
Mega Gengar has stubby legs now : r/TheSilphRoad - Reddit
This is not new info. Mega Gengar's model (at least in the main series games) has always had legs. You just don't normally see them as they're usually beneath the ground. You can briefly see them in the main series when switching Mega Gengar in and out of battle though. For whatever reason you can currently see them in the Pokémon Go model as ...