Who were the sons of God? Are they angels or people?
Again “sons of God” refers to the holy angels who existed at the time of the creation. When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38:7 (NASB) Sons of God in Genesis 6:2, 4 The “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2 and 4 are also angels. They are fallen angels once again.
Angels – Good and Evil - NeverThirsty
Discover the various types of angels found in the Bible. These include cherubim, seraphim, archangels, which are both good and evil angels.
Who or What Are Angels? - JW.ORG
Angels have greater power than humans and they exist in heaven, or the spirit realm. What else does the Bible say about angels? What about guardian angels?
Are we equal, lower, or higher than the angels? — Luke 20:36
Discover if men are equal to, higher than, or lower that the angels. Verses are cited that provide the answer.
Help From God’s Angels—What Children Need to Know
God’s time to destroy wicked people is very near. All who do not worship the true God will be destroyed. Those who say they do not believe in angels because they cannot see them will find out how wrong they are. — 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8. What will that mean for us?— If we are on the same side with God’s angels, they will help us.
Help from God’s Angels - JW.ORG
How do angels do that? Do they shout from heaven so that everyone can hear them? — No; but true Christians on earth talk to others about God, and the angels guide them in their work. The angels make sure that those who really want to know about God have a chance to hear. We can share in that work, and the angels will help us.
How did the fallen angels produce children in Genesis 6?
You will discover how the sons of God, which were fallen angels, in Genesis 6 had sexual relations with the daughters of men and produce the Nephilim.
Are human beings the highest part of God’s creation?
Bible Question: Are human beings the highest part of God's creation? There was some confusion over this in our Sunday School Class. I say that if we are lower than the angels, the answer must be “no” since the angels were created by God. But we also read that man was created to have dominion over the creation. Can you help clarify the answer? Thank you. Bible Answer: Man is …
Is there a difference between angels, hosts and armies?
Bible Question: Is there a difference between angels, hosts and or armies? Bible Answer: The Bible uses the word “angels” 91 times in both the Old and New Testaments. The word “hosts” appears 293 times and “armies” appears 41 times. The reader will soon discover that there is normally a difference of meaning among the words angels, hosts and or armies.
Who will have the the seal of God on their foreheads?
The “seal of God” will be worn by an angel who comes to the four angels standing at the four corners of the earth according to Revelation 7:1-2. After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree.