C57BL/6 - Wikipedia
C57BL/6, often referred to as "C57 black 6", "B6", "C57" or "black 6", is a common inbred strain of laboratory mouse. It is the most widely used "genetic background" for genetically modified mice for use as models of human disease.
Clinical Chemistry Reference Intervals for C57BL/6J, C57BL/6N, …
The C57BL/6J mice and C3HeB/FeJ mice were originally purchased from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME), and the C57BL/6NTac mice were from Taconic (Hudson, NY). The group labeled C57BL/6N contains cohorts of mice on the C57BL/6N background that were originally obtained from various independent providers except Taconic.
C57BL/6 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
C57BL/6 小鼠是迄今最受欢迎的实验室啮齿动物,占美国供应商运往研究实验室的所有啮齿动物的一半到六分之五。 [1] 它的压倒性优势很大程度上是因为惯性:对其的广泛使用和广泛研究使其得到更多使用。 1993 年,Frank Koentgen发表了第一个C57BL/6的基因靶向敲除小鼠。 [8] 2013 年,C57BL/6小鼠乘坐 Bion-M No.1 进入太空。 [9] 2015 年,Taconic Biosciences培育的雌性C57BL/6NTac通过 SpaceX CRS-6 送往国际空间站。 [10] ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 …
2021年8月11日 · 使用70只SPF级健康雄性C57小鼠,随机分成假手术组(n=10)、颈总动脉(common carotid artery,CCA)进线组(n=30)及颈外动脉(external carotid artery,ECA)进线组(n=30),参照Zea Longa法,在线栓的选取、血管分离及处理、线栓插入方式等方面进行探讨,通过神经功能缺损 ...
C57BL Mouse - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
C57BL mice are among the oldest mouse stocks having been developed in 1921 by crossing female 57 and male 52 from the Miss Abbie Lathrop stock. In addition to being one of the oldest, the C57Bl/6 substrain is one of the most widely used mice in the laboratory (Beck et al., 2000; Festing, 2010; Meier, Myers, & Huebner, 1970).
[Validation of a C57/BL6J mouse model of focal cerebral ischemia ...
2024年1月12日 · Neurological deficits of the mice at 1, 7, and 14 days after modeling were evaluated using Longa score, mNSS score, beam walking test, cylinder test and corner test. TTC staining was used to measure the cerebral infarct size, and Western blotting was performed to detect the expressions of BDNF, GFAP and DCX proteins in the ischemic cortex.
A Comparative Study of Variables Influencing Ischemic Injury in …
2016年2月12日 · Smith et al., reached the conclusion that the Longa method is superior to the Koizumi method for short and long-term study ischemic stroke in mice partially based on differences in reperfusion, but also partially due to increased survival at 24 h and increased lesion volumes following the Longa method at 1 week post-occlusion, compared to the ...
C57 Mouse - Animalab
General multipurpose model, diet-induced obesity, transgenic/knockout model development, safety and efficacy testing, immunology. Origin: Developed by C.C. Little in 1921, from a mating of Miss Abby Lathrop’s stock that also gave rise to strains C57BR and C57L. Strains 6 and 10 separated about 1937. To The Jackson Laboratory in 1948 from Hall.
000664 - B6 Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
C57BL/6J mice are resistant to audiogenic seizures, have a relatively low bone density, and develop age related hearing loss. They are also susceptible to diet-induced obesity, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis. Macrophages from this strain are …
Bone development and age-related bone loss in male C57BL/6J mice
2003年9月1日 · The pattern of bone loss after 42 weeks of age in male C57 mice is generally linear through 104 weeks. Femur epiphysis percentage mineralization decreases at the highest rate (0.1%/week), compared to the diaphysis (0.08%/week) and whole femur (0.09%/week).
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