My Ultimate Guide to Ash : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
Jan 15, 2022 · Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. Members Online You're playing Pathfinder, and you just hit lvl 2.
Is Ash actually worth playing? : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
Mar 24, 2022 · People REALLY underrate Ash— her passive provides SO MUCH information (although it takes a fair bit of time to be comfortable enough to actually figure out how to use said information), her footsteps are incredibly quiet, and her ultimate is the single best commitment tool, allowing you to instantly bring a full squad into a fight (without giving the enemy time to react like a wraith portal ...
Ash Mains - Reddit
Fir some context i became an ash main early this season as well as getting back into to apex again went from level 99 to 180 and now with this new data wipe i cant play ash and my volt c.a.r and r-99 skins+ash skins have been taken away along with my battlepass and the over 160$ i spent on apex packs
Why and how is Ash in Apex Legends? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
Oct 28, 2021 · Using Google is hard: Ash is a Simulacrum Pilot and the quaternary antagonist of Titanfall 2. She reappears in Apex Legends as a non-playable character whose head must be rebuilt, later becoming the announcer for Arenas mode, and will soon become a playable legend.
How do you feel about ash in the meta currently?
Ash feels very strong- a bad tactical, but her ultimate feels like power creep in terms of compared to the other mobility options in Launch Pad and Wraith’s Portal, while her passive is very very good in the hands of those who value information on a macro scale- Crypto was my favorite legend and main for many seasons because of his macro ...
is ash top tier and when do u use her q? : r/apexuniversity - Reddit
Feb 17, 2022 · Her Q is really good when used properly, so sometimes it’s a hit & miss (low key her q should get a buff). So in short, with the right player she can be really good. I’ve had amazing games with godly Ash players. I’m better playing as a wraith but imo I’d rather have an Ash over a wraith on my team any day.
I’m determined to get good with Ash. Any tips or advice?
Dec 3, 2021 · A community supported subreddit detailing all leaks, datamines, glitched and unreleased content revolving around Apex Legends! Members Online Apex Legends YouTuber Thordan Smash charged with 2nd-degree assault after on-stream arrest - Dexerto
I want to know your opinion on Ash : r/apexlegends - Reddit
Nov 5, 2021 · Seems to me like every apex youtuber is saying ash is OP, ash is legendary, yada yada. While I agree ash has a very good kit and is on the strong side, I don’t think she’s OP. Her only movement based ability is her ult, and outside of that she can teather you but I don’t find her completely game breaking.
What is ash's rat called? : r/apexlegends - Reddit
Nov 14, 2021 · ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since ...
Best Ash skin? : r/AshMains - Reddit
Oct 5, 2022 · 87 votes, 44 comments. 5.4K subscribers in the AshMains community. The official Subreddit for the Apex Legend Ash