Airship Assassin - Skin - Apex Legends Item Store
AIRSHIP ASSASSIN Wraith Skin. Rarity: Legendary Exclusive Apex Coins: 1800 Crafting Material: N/A Legend Tokens: 6500/10500. Category: Legend Skin Availability: Requires ‘Void Specialist’ and originally 6500 Legend Tokens to craft. This skin made a return during the Black Friday Sale week in November of 2020.
11 Rarest Apex Legends Wraith Skins Ever
2022年6月22日 · Even though the Airship Assassin returned to the Apex Legends Item Store in May 2022, it was the most sought-after Legendary skin for a long time. Respawn Entertainment introduced it in June 2019 as an alternative color scheme to Void Specialist Wraith.
All Apex Wraith Skins - Complete List, Rarest and Best Skins
2024年9月24日 · We have a breakdown below of all Wraith skins and what makes each special or worth noting. However, if you just want a full list, we’ve got one here. There’s currently a staggering number of Wraith skins in the game: How Many Wraith Skins Are There? There are currently over 100 Wraith skins! This might sound like a lot, and it is.
2019年2月24日 · In this video, I give you all a good look at the new airship assassin skin for wraith and hopefully help you decide if you want to but it or not! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE APEX LEGENDS CONTENT!...
Apex Legends Skins - All Exclusive Event Skins, Guns and Cosmetics.
All Apex Legends Wraith Skins, Octane, Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Crypto, Fuse, Gibraltar, Horizon, Lifeline, loba, Mirage, Pathfinder, Rampart, Revenant and Wattson Skins
The Best Wraith Skins In 'Apex Legends' - Ranker
2024年8月15日 · Over 2K fans have voted on the 50+ items on Best Wraith Skins In 'Apex Legends'. Current Top 3: Airship Assassin, Voidwalker, Quarantine 722
Why is Wraith's Airship Assassin the most sought-after skin in Apex …
2020年3月2日 · This holds true for Apex Legends Wraith’s exclusive recolor of Void Specialist skin, the Airship Assasin. The main reason this exclusive Wraith skin has been highly sought after is the rarity of the skin. As a matter of fact, you will only encounter this skin once in a while, and it will most likely be a TTV Wraith.
Best Wraith Skins in Apex Legends That Make You Standout!
2024年3月10日 · Airship Assassin . The Airship Assassin skin for Wraith is not part of any Apex Legends Season Battle pass or event. It’s a legendary skin that could’ve been crafted for 6500 Legend Tokens only if you had the “Void Specialist” skin for Wraith.
Wraith Airship Assassin skin revealed for Apex Legends Black
2020年11月11日 · The Airship Assassin is an alternative color scheme to Void Specialist Wraith, a common cosmetic among base designs in Apex.
What is the Hottest and Rarest Wraith Skin in Apex Legends?
2023年11月7日 · Voidwalker perfectly encapsulates Wraith‘s interdimensional lore. The sleek white suit covered in glowing blue accents looks like something straight out of a sci-fi film. Equipping it truly makes you feel like a time-shifting pilot. Airship Assassin also perfectly fits Wraith‘s stealthy hitwoman aesthetic. The all black suit and facemask ...