Apex Legends Audio Delay - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hello, so currently the issue I am having is that my game often has audio delays that can vary from a like 3-10+ seconds. Sometimes the audio doesn't even play at all or it even cuts-off, especially when using legends' abilities. I have tried verifying the cache for …
Hi, I am experiencing some really annoying sound issues with Apex Legends. Problem: Sound is normal all the time except for gunfights, then it is really messed up. Sound disappears or gets heavily distorted. Comments: Game can lag a little bit at …
Solved: Apex Legends Audio Problems - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
Just Open apex and see if the sound messes up. It only happens when Apex is on, in Lobby, and in Match. The audio is all messed up, I am not opening up apex to get my ears blown out just to record the problem with audio when I start apex. it affects the whole computer so when I get a Discord notification, it's even worse.
Solved: Audio Issues - PC - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
I just bought Corsair's new Corsair Virtuoso headset. I have loved the audio quality while playing music but when I play Apex Legends the sound gets muffled and doesn't have any clarity to it. I played a game of gunfight in Modern Warfare and the Audio was exactly (even better) than my last headset was while playing it.
Audio too quiet in Apex Legends - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
But when playing Apex Legends or Titan Fall 2 the audio is extremely quiet, I've tried everything I know and google doesn't really have any answers and I would really appreciate the help. 22 people had this problem.
Issues with apex and using an audio interface as the audio device
Apr 26, 2021 · Adding on to this, if changing buffer size works, we should make a post for all Focusrite scarlet audio interface users that apex may have updated to eat more audio processing power. which they add up according to how many applications are generating audio events to the driver. for example in ASIO drivers with any DAW opened, one track of any ...
Apex Game crashes by clicking the Audio settings tab
In Apex: settings > audio tab > game closes Event Log: [SYSTEM] shows easy anti cheat unloaded successfully. Note: no other logs within that time frame were made in any other sub-category (application, security, setup, forwarded events).
Audio Settings: Choose Source/Device - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
Hey guys, I am hoping this is a pretty simple addition to make, could we get options for either choosing our audio playback device manually in the settings or could Apex Legends default to the communication device rather than the main system sound? It …
Engine error audio/ship/general_stream.mstr - EA Answers HQ
Apex Legends: Apex Legends: Technical Issues: ... Unknown file version (audio\ship\general_stream.mstr ...
No Audio After Windows 11 Update - EA Answers HQ
Product: Apex Legends Platform:PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number GTX 1650TI Enter RAM memory size in GB 16 What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Ask4DannyG Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. Are you using any soft...