Patterning/Geometry-Unit 2 - Grade 2 Math
Students will recognize, identify and describe repeating patterns. They will compare, describe and sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes. Students will also explore patterns in the calendar.
Grade 2 Mathematics Lesson Plan: Introduction to Patterns
2024年6月26日 · Explain what a pattern is with examples: alternating colours, shapes, and sounds. Demonstrate different types of patterns using the whiteboard and pattern blocks. Guided Practice (12 minutes): Hand out pattern worksheets. …
Lesson Plan in Mathematics 2nd Cot | PDF | Pattern | Lesson Plan …
This lesson plan is about teaching patterns to students. It includes objectives to determine missing terms in continuous patterns using two attributes. The subject matter will cover missing terms in patterns using pictures, charts and videos.
2009年11月10日 · • Relationship to current unit: Introducing the idea of patterns in a sequence to students before they learn find patterns using numbers. • Preparation and set-up of materials: Prepare visual cards to explain what a pattern is and what a sequence is. Prepare index cards with different patterns that can be acted out.
Lesson Plan: Patterns - TeAch-nology.com
Lesson Plan Title : Patterns. Age Range: Kindergarten through Grade 2 (Primary / Elementary School) Overview and Purpose: This activity will help students see the logic of creating patterns and help them begin to be able to create their own. The lesson should begin with the definition of the word 'pattern' (things arranged following a rule).
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 2: Don Honorio
This lesson plan outlines a 1-hour mathematics lesson on patterns and number sentences for primary school pupils. The objectives are for pupils to understand different types of patterns, determine missing terms, visualize missing values, and develop critical thinking skills.
Detailed Lesson Plan-Math-Repeating-Pattern-Obias
Lesson Plan in Math - Grade 2 Prepared by: Obias, Angela May A. Course/Yr. & Sec: BEEd Gen. 2B Submitted to: Mrs. Marites V. Odon, LPT, MAT Instructor I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to: a. Identify simple Repeating patterns b. Complete and give the missing object in a given combination of continuous ...
- 评论数: 4
Symmetry and Patterns in Math: Lesson Plan for Grade 2
2023年3月10日 · National Standards NCTM Math - Geometry Standard for Grades Pre-K-2 Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two- and three- dimensional shapes; describe attributes and parts of two- and three-dimensional shapes; https://www.nctm.org/Standards-and-Positions ...
DLP Math 2 - Patterns - Republic of the Philippines ... - Studocu
Grade Level 2 Quarter 4 Duration 50 MINUTES I. OBJECTIVES. A. Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of continuous patterns using two attributes and mathematical sentences involving multiplication and division of whole numbers using 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 only. B. Performance Standard:
- 评论数: 9
Grade 2 Mathematics Lesson Plan: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
2024年6月1日 · By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Recognise and extend simple number sequences. 2. Identify missing numbers in a sequence. 3. Understand the pattern rule for a given number sequence. Vocabulary: 1. Sequence – An ordered list of numbers. 2. Pattern – The repeated or regular way numbers appear in a sequence. 3.