On a visit to Syria and its neighbours, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi meets families heading home and says more support is vital to ensure returns are a success. More than 235,000 ...
This article was published in June 2022 and describes the change from using the legacy developed and developing regions categorization to the World Bank's income groups. For more recent updates please ...
Konvencija o izbjeglicama iz 1951. godine i Protokol iz 1967. godine ključni su pravni dokumenti koji čine osnovu rada UNHCR-a. Oni definiraju pojam „izbjeglice“ i ocrtavaju njihova prava i ...
Publikacije su važan alat kojim se UNHCR služi za širenje svijesti o izbjeglicama i drugim relevantnim osobama te za izvještavanje o poslovanju Agencije na globalnoj i lokalnoj razini. Objavljujemo ...
Refugees are in extremely vulnerable circumstances, lacking the protection of their own countries and facing immense challenges to their safety and well-being. The 1951 Refugee Convention, ...
“As a refugee girl, the odds had often seemed stacked against me, and the thought of pursuing higher education felt like an unattainable dream… The vision of graduation, of wearing that cap and gown, ...
The UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award honours individuals, groups and organizations who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect refugees, displaced and stateless people. Established in 1954, the ...
Am Montag schloss UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissar Filippo Grandi seinen Besuch in Syrien mit einem eindringlichen Appell an die internationale Gemeinschaft ab. Er rief dazu auf, den Syrerinnen und Syrern ...
Laut dem kürzlich veröffentlichte UNHCR-Bericht „2024 Impact Report: Response to New Emergencies and Protracted Crises“ (auf Deutsch etwa „Wirkungsbericht 2024. Hilfsmaßnahmen in neuen und langandauer ...
UNHCR, das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, ist wegen neuer Gewalt zutiefst besorgt um den Schutz von Zivilisten und Binnenvertriebenen im Osten der DR Kongo. Die Konflikte in den Provinze ...