Am Montag schloss UN-Flüchtlingshochkommissar Filippo Grandi seinen Besuch in Syrien mit einem eindringlichen Appell an die internationale Gemeinschaft ab. Er rief dazu auf, den Syrerinnen und Syrern ...
Wrapping up a visit to Syria on Monday, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, appealed to the international community for bold and decisive action to help Syrians rebuild their war-torn ...
UNHCR, das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, ist wegen neuer Gewalt zutiefst besorgt um den Schutz von Zivilisten und Binnenvertriebenen im Osten der DR Kongo. Die Konflikte in den Provinze ...
New wars, unresolved conflicts and a spike in climate-related disasters resulted in appalling levels of death, destruction ...
Laut dem kürzlich veröffentlichte UNHCR-Bericht „2024 Impact Report: Response to New Emergencies and Protracted Crises“ (auf Deutsch etwa „Wirkungsbericht 2024. Hilfsmaßnahmen in neuen und langandauer ...
UNHCR is gravely concerned about the safety and security of civilians and internally displaced people (IDPs) in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), as conflict further intensifies ...
Resettlement is a coordinated activity undertaken in partnership with UNHCR, U.S. government agencies, NGOs and other actors. It includes a variety of specific actions, from the identification of ...
In the Kyrgyz Republic, a young Afghan woman has found hope and a determination to give back to her home country through education.
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