This fact sheet has been updated. The latest information is available here. MAT pairs nondrug therapies, such as counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy, with an FDA-approved medication to treat ...
Because most households have relatively fixed and expected expenses each month, a single financial shock— such as a major car repair or a sudden loss of income—can make meeting those obligations more ...
Each year, billions of dollars in improper payments are disbursed throughout states as a result of unemployment insurance (UI) fraud and overpayments. To address this problem, New Mexico’s Department ...
This report seeks to develop a clear picture of the current state of household financial security. It explores the ways three components of family balance sheets—income, expenditures, and wealth—have ...
Each year, millions of pretrial defendants and convicted offenders are supervised in their communities as they await trial or serve periods of probation or parole. Local and state agencies are ...
Since March 2020, businesses across the country have endured rolling economic shocks stemming from public health restrictions, shifting consumer behavior, and labor and supply chain disruptions ...
Expenditures are a key but often overlooked element of family balance sheets. In measuring household financial security, significant attention is typically paid to income, but much less to whether ...
Advances in 3D printing, also called additive manufacturing, are capturing attention in the health care field because of their potential to improve treatment for certain medical conditions. A ...
As of December 2019, about 43 million Americans held federal student loans, and the education financing system is under growing pressure as more borrowers struggle to repay, a problem compounded by ...
This video is hosted by YouTube. In order to view it, you must consent to the use of “Marketing Cookies” by updating your preferences in the Cookie Settings link below. View on YouTube This video is ...
Most title loans are structured as balloon-payment, also known as lump-sum payment, loans, as described above; some states also allow or require title loans to be ...
Adults who are incarcerated have a higher-than-average prevalence of infectious diseases, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, mental illness, and substance use disorders, often in combination. Since ...