Yleisten asioiden neuvoston epävirallinen kokous 17.–18.2.2025 ...
The Working Party on Human rights (COHOM) deals with human rights aspects of the external relations of the EU and supports the Council's decision-making process in this area. In addition, COHOM ...
Pregled glavnih zadev, ki bodo v naslednjih dveh tednih obravnavane na sejah Sveta EU, ter prihodnjih medijskih dogodkov.
Síntese dos principais temas a debater nas reuniões do Conselho da UE nas próximas duas semanas e dos futuros eventos para os média.
Checking the document number is an additional tool to confirm the validity or invalidity of a document. A decision based only on the information available via such a site can be inaccurate for a ...
Az Európai Unió Tanácsának ülésein a következő két hétben napirenden lévő fő témák és a soron következő médiaesemények áttekintése.
Pagrindinių temų, kurios bus aptariamos ES Tarybos posėdžiuose artimiausias dvi savaites, ir būsimų renginių žiniasklaidai apžvalga.
Folosim cookie-uri pentru a ne asigura că veți avea o experiență cât mai bună de navigare pe site-ul Consiliului. Anumite cookie-uri sunt utilizate pentru a obține statistici agregate referitoare la ...
We use cookies in order to ensure that you can get the best browsing experience possible on the Council website. Certain cookies are used to obtain aggregated statistics about website visits to help ...
The transition to net zero emissions will benefit the environment, as well as people. However, those on a low income and micro businesses may be affected by the higher fossil fuel prices resulting ...