Average US student assessment scores appear to tell a simple story: Performance rose through the 2000s, plateaued during the 2010s, and then declined sharply during the pandemic. But looking beyond ...
Based on analysis of a historical dataset created during the 1930s that captured the life stories of thousands of older Americans, researchers offer a reminder that work isn’t just about income but ...
A new forecast from the Congressional Budget Office reveals the scale of the fiscal challenge that the second Trump administration has inherited from its predecessors. Amid much talk about the problem ...
The Trump “Day One” executive orders on energy and environment policies are worthy of applause. At the same time, two of the executive orders are problematic: the exit from the Paris climate agreement ...
Even before he took office, President Donald Trump was already securing major policy wins. Trump’s election induced the Biden administration to withdraw two pending regulations that would have ...
On Election Day in 2016, Gen. Michael Flynn penned an opinion article in the Hill.It represented a complete about-face for a man who made his career fighting radical Islamism as he uncritically ...
The most accessible and used measure of public sector fiscal solvency is central government accumulated debt relative to the size of the country’s national economy. In many high-income ...
“A has power over B,” said the political scientist Robert Dahl, “to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not otherwise do.” In Washington’s new power equation, “A ...
The prism through which you view the Iranian/Hamas war on Israel is critically important. As a strategic matter of American or Israeli national security interests, we can have one view or another.
Last year, on social-media accounts with names like Ballerina Farm, and in online magazines such as Evie, a new type of woman emerged to bedevil cultural observers: the “tradwife.” Depending ...
Many who follow Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have come to the same conclusion: Russia can defeat Ukraine with its “incredible” strength. However, Russia is much weaker than even many in the ...
Farm interest groups are deeply concerned that unilateral actions by the new Trump adminis­tration to substantially increase tariffs on all or many imports from major trading partners could harm ...