A team of graduate researchers, led by biology professor Ken Feeley in the University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences, is tracking the growth and decline of pine trees to understand how the ...
Over 27.5 million children and adults worldwide are lured, coerced, or forced into sex or labor exploitation, according to the U.S. Department of State. Many go unidentified. “Human trafficking is a ...
New research from a team of tropical biologists forecasts some of the changes that may occur in the Amazon rainforest as temperatures rise due to climate change.
A cadre of talented University of Miami Patti and Allan Herbert Business School students helped the University secure one of six top spots in a 119-school national competition co-hosted by the Federal ...
“Fighter pilot” is on the list of admirable professional aspirations that faculty at the University of Miami help students reach. Sean McIlwaine, a cadet in Detachment 155 at the University, recently ...
American democracy is in crisis. Government has lost the confidence of the people. The country is more deeply polarized than it has been since Reconstruction. To a large extent, the current problems ...
Presidents and CEOs representing the nation’s major health care associations and organizations highlighted the importance of improving affordability and access for all, especially for people of ...
From a young age, sophomore Steven Dabdoub has loved to watch and play soccer. Although he may not be a professional player, last year Dabdoub came to the University of Miami with hopes of working in ...
Try Fun for Wellness This research-based, skill-building program promotes health and well-being in six areas of life: Interpersonal, Community, Occupational, Physical, Psychological, and Economic (I ...
Her daughter Melinda had a childhood disability that claimed her life at an early age. She co-founded a school in Trinidad that became a model for special education in the Caribbean. She also has ...
While human learning has been studied since ancient times, the learning sciences are a relatively new field of study that cuts across multiple disciplines in the study of learning. UM’s graduate ...
Dr. Gladis Kersaint joined the Neag School of Education in June 2016. Prior to her current role, Kersaint served as the associate dean of academic affairs and research for the College of Education at ...