Ive于1992年加入苹果,自1996年起领导设计团队,从早期的透明彩色iMac到后来的iPhone、iPad、iPod以及AirPods等重要产品的设计,都有Ive的参与领导,苹果新总部Apple Park也是Ive的杰作。
While on this river treasure hunt, we found some incredible treasures, including a Samsung Galaxy S7, iPod Nano 3rd Generation, and iPhone 7Plus! We tried to get them all working, and had little ...
面对快速发展的新势力车型,CarPlay 2.0的一系列尝试则显得有些孤掌难鸣。车企希望通过自家系统控制更深层次的用户数据与功能,而CarPlay却固执地想保持自身的通用性,与车企利益的利益绑定,对话沟通显得那么困难。
The 'i' in Apple's iconic products like iPhone and iMac signifies 'internet,' 'individual,' 'instruct,' 'inform,' and ...
Some of the people who want the iPod back argue that Apple is “losing money” by not reviving such an iconic product. The thing is, I think Apple knows that it probably wouldn’t sell that much iPod if ...
Apple’s all-important holiday quarter was something of a mixed bag. For one, Apple posted what it called it’s “best quarter ...
Many Apple products offer an understated elegance. They're not necessarily flashy, but often come with a high price tag that ...
A Spanish artificial intelligence startup called Quibim S.L. said today it has closed on a $50 million Series A funding round ...
PHOTOS: This former Apple executive's San Francisco home renovation was so extensive, only two original features remain. Find out what they kept and the updates they made.
The post Inside the Florida Condo Where Jennifer Kesse Was Last Seen—as Her Family Reveals Their Theory of What Happened to ...
Jon Rubinstein, who played an instrumental role in the development of the iMac and iPod in the early days of Apple, has put ...
Step 1: Download and install ReiBoot on your computer. Connect your iPhone to the computer using a USB cable, then launch ...