快科技2月10日消息,在智能手机快速迭代的今天,许多用户每隔一两年就会更换手机。 然而,一名网友却在论坛上分享了自己从iPhone 6S Plus升级到iPhone 16 Plus的感受,引发了众多网友的惊叹和敬佩。
快科技2月7日消息,今日,词条#为什么苹果能把十年前的照片变成live#登上微博热搜,词条阅读量超2800万,引起网友热议。 有网友表示,翻到十年前妈妈用iPhone 6拍的老照片,疑变成了live图(实况照片)。
Wondering 'Where's my refund?' Here's how to track your IRS tax refund status, see expected timelines, and avoid delays.
Apple launched the iPhone 14 in 2022, and its local launch price was a bit of a shocker. At R20,599 the iPhone 14 cost nearly 83% of the average monthly salary in South Africa. The average monthly ...