The Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Kashmir has become a pressing concern following the findings of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), which reported a T ...
During a recent NCPE conference, I was asked what impact the low fertility rate of 1.08 has on the labour market. First, let me define two concepts: the total fertility rate and the replacement ratio.
Telangana State's population growth rate, defined as the pace at which the population increases over time, is projected to decline sharply, nearing zero at 0.3.
Global phenomenon Besides the widely watched ratios comes the TFR (Total Fertility Rate). TFR in a specific year is defined as the total number of children that would be born to each woman if she ...
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) is a complex demographic indicator that measures the average number of children a woman would have during her reproductive years under current age-specific fertility rates.
The UK long-term total fertility rate (TFR) for the low variant is 1.25 children per woman and for the high variant is 1.65 children per woman by mid-2047; these projections are broader than those ...