Jewish Nevada, a non-profit organization that serves as the representative organization for the more than 70,000 Jews in Nevada, hosted its Annual Meeting on Jan. 21 in Reno. The event, which was held ...
When it comes to clip vs magazine, there seems to be some confusion among many shooters, or at least a tendency to say one when we mean to other. Both “clip” and “magazine” describe a ...
Today’s anti Zionist Jews and many other liberal Jews wrap themselves in “tikkun olam” (“repair the world”) credulously believing that they have wrapped themselves in historic Judaism. Nothing could ...
After inauguration day, it is on Trump and America to ensure that the oath to defend the U.S. Constitution is kept. Lost amid the hullabaloo surrounding Donald J. Trump’s second Inauguration as ...
Michael Lerner, the editor of Tikkun Magazine, is known for his frequent condemnations of Israeli violence against Palestinians. He is labeled ‘pro-Palestinian’ for such statements and is regularly ...