The space rock, dubbed the Charlottetown Meteorite, is an "ordinary" chondrite, a stony meteorite containing small mineral granules, with features that help explain why it broke apart as it hit ...
The meteorite is classified as an ordinary chondrite, a common type of meteorite. ForbesSee Ethereal Night-Shining Clouds Decorate The Mars SkyBy Amanda Kooser The Meteoritical Society ...
A sharp crash that sounds like glass shattering or ice cracking has been documented as likely the world's first audio recording of a meteorite crash. It came by chance from a doorbell camera ...
It’s classified as an “ordinary chondrite” — dubbed “ordinary” because they are common as far as meteorites go. But its origin is no less fascinating: “We’re quite certain in the ...
A Canadian homeowner's doorbell camera video of a meteorite crashing down to Earth right outside his front door could be the first time the phenomenon has been recorded, complete with audio of the ...
Joe Velaidum and Laura Kelly, who live on Prince Edward Island, caught a meteorite hitting their property on their doorbell camera. Some say this could be the first video recording of a meteorite ...
About seven grams worth of fragments were collected and sent to the University of Alberta (UA), where they were confirmed to belong to an ordinary chondrite meteorite, says CBC News. Later, a total of ...
A sharp crash that sounds like glass shattering or ice cracking has been documented as likely the world's first audio recording of a meteorite crash. It came by chance from a doorbell camera, recorded ...