近期,有关Valve公司和AMD联合开发基于RDNA 4架构新硬件的消息不胫而走,甚至有传言称Steam Machine项目将会重启。然而,Valve官方近日正式澄清,当前并没有开发此类项目,对于期待Steam Machine复活的朋友们来说,这无疑是一盆冷水。
You can create an Invites event using the iPhone app or iCloud.com, but only if you're an iCloud+ subscriber. Events can ...
Larian Studios has released a patch for the Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 8 stress test, signalling progress is being made towards a ...
But amid this backdrop comes a record total economic output of cruise tourism in 2023-24 of $8.43billion in Australia. That’s ...