Once in the main screen, on the top right (next to settings) you see a small Sphero ball. There you can select your Robot Types. The BB-8, together with the other legacy robots, becomes visible when ...
It has long been one of our favorite mechanisms. Newer, but also a favorite is the Sphero smartphone controlled orb. The combination of the two is epic! You may remember seeing Sphero used to ...
var spheron = require('spheron'); var sphero = spheron.sphero(); var spheroPort = '/dev/cu.Sphero-RGB'; var COLORS = spheron.toolbelt.COLORS; sphero.on('open ...
Despite quite a few articles stating Sphero was behind the technology that made the real movie BB-8 droid, like this Tech Crunch article: Sphero, makers of the eponymous spherical robots that ...