The good news is that Pope Francis recently stated that ‘All Religions Are Paths To God’; and in the last 25 years more than 850,000 Jewish young adults have visited Israel with the support of the ...
“So, to be prophetic is to be inspired by God. They (Simeon and Anna) spent their time fasting and praying and then they looked at their past experiences, see what was happening at their time and ...
The Very Revd Dr Edward Dowler (Dean of Chichester) reflects on the Feast Day of ‘Candlemas’, when Jesus is presented at the temple by Joseph and Mary. This moment features a diverse range of people, ...
No one can realistically be expected to know everything about the Palestinian Arab/Israeli conflict, yet there are recurring canards that one should be prepared to address with some level of knowledge ...
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 2:22-40 When the day came for them to be purified as laid down by the Law of Moses, the parents of ...