奔驰AMG S63 E Performance车型已经在全球范围内推出该车,作为S65车型的继任者,在性能更加强劲的同时依旧保持了出色的豪华感,显示出独特的气质。
IT之家 1 月 17 日消息,据外媒 Car And Driver 今日报道,梅赛德斯-奔驰曾在 W223 一代奔驰 S 级轿车发布时宣布将停产 S 级轿跑、敞篷车型,但目前该公司似乎正在“重新考虑”此前的决定。本周在欧盟知识产权局申请的亮相商标,则曝光了双门版梅赛德斯-奔驰 S ...
庞大的用户群以至于奔驰S拥有很多细分版本,从普通的S,到长轴版,再到AMG S63,然后迈巴赫S,最终还有Pullman。但如此多的型号还未能完全满足 ...
日前,新款奔驰AMG S63 E Performance MANSORY版正式亮相。此次,新车主要是由MANSORY进行专属打造,不仅拥有激进的外观造型,而内饰也变得更为奢华。
Instead, that honor goes to this $141,450 S63 AMG, which arrives with a twin-turbocharged V8, a wickedly quick multi-clutch transmission and surefooted all-wheel drive. This particular Mercedes ...
近期,外媒Car And Driver披露了一则关于梅赛德斯-奔驰的最新动态。据悉,奔驰曾在发布W223一代S级轿车时,公开表示将停止生产S级轿跑和敞篷车型。然而,这一决定似乎正面临反转,因为奔驰似乎正在重新评估这一市场策略。
梅赛德斯-奔驰近期似乎对其高端车型线进行了重新评估,这一动向引发了业界的广泛关注。据外媒Car And Driver报道,奔驰曾在发布W223一代S级轿车时,明确表示将停产S级轿跑和敞篷车型。然而,最新的消息显示,奔驰或许正在推翻这一决定。
Yes, the AMG S63 is back – now with hybrid power and available in the UK. The S-Class has a deep and rich history, with this new AMG model also taking part in a recent CAR magazine feature.
New trademark filings hint at the possible return of the S-Class Coupe, potentially as part of a limited Mythos series or a ...
The Mercedes-AMG S63 2011 prices range from $55,440 for the basic trim level Sedan S-Class S63 AMG to $63,690 for the top of the range Sedan S-Class S63 AMG. The Mercedes-AMG S63 2011 comes in Sedan.
With new cars and bikes getting more expensive, would you buy a used vehicle? No, I want the peace of mind of a factory fresh item No, if I'm spending big, I must be the first owner Yes, the value ...