Look Back, one of 2024’s best anime movies, follows two aspiring manga artists when their lives stray off in very different directions. Producing an anime is a dream almost every fan has likely ...
Corpse Party: Tortured Souls isn't for the faint of heart so if you're planning on watching more horror anime, maybe look to something else if you can't take gore.
2024 was definitely a big year for the anime industry, especially for the movies. There were quite a few films that left an impression on the community, but the one that stood above all was Tatsuki ...
Recently, I’ve actually given Kill la Kill another watch, to this day I still think it’s the best looking anime for my style.” Eyepatch Wolf also took the chance to compare and contrast ...
Well, fret not because we have got just the solution for you! In today's post, we are bringing to you some of the most realistic artificial outdoor plants that will transform your space and give it an ...