As we move away from God winks for a bit and devote our time and love to understanding the big questions, we encounter a very big question, “Can prayer heal?” Q: I read your column faithfully. My ...
Thomas Aquinas is simply a giant -- of philosophy, theology, poetry, learning and teaching, counseling and advising -- and, if you asked him, of sinning!
Charles Koelling wrote this poem for his wife and soulmate of 78 years, Bettie Jean Chester Koelling. Bettie served as an administrative assistant in the dean's office of the Missouri School of ...
We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: Dear ...
A nerdy love of science fiction, a yearning for adventure, a passion for science and a foundation of Jesuit education all helped in some way to lead a man from Detroit, Michigan, to become a master of ...