IT之家 8 月 14 日消息,PNY(必恩威)昨日宣布推出掌控者超频版白色系列(IT之家注:官网称“超频 XLR8 电竞双风扇 VERTO 白色款”)英伟达 GeForce RTX ...
Nvidia's mainstream 1080p ace GPU, the GeForce RTX 4060, has landed in graphics cards from a whole host of partner-card makers. Here's a comparative look at them all to guide your GPU hunt.
KINGPIN 目前正在对一块 PNY RTX 4090 XLR8 Gaming VERTO EPIC-X RGB 显卡进行测试,并制作了 XOC 超频 BIOS,这是他 13 年来使用的第一张非 EVGA 显卡,并暗示 RTX 50 ...
They're hard to find, yes: Nvidia's GeForce RTX 3050 budget graphics cards rolled out from its card partners on Jan. 27. We took a comparative look at them all to help you in your hunt.
PNY GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER XLR8 Gaming VERTO OC Review February 2, 2024 | PNY's GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER XLR8 Gaming VERTO OC offers a modest performance increase over the GeForce RTX 4080.