微软 Teams 的日历功能进行了全面升级,新版日历与 Outlook 深度整合,带来了全新的外观和功能。委托访问、打印支持、扩展日历设置以及多时区支持等实用功能都从 Outlook 迁移到了 Teams,此次更新旨在统一 Teams 和 Outlook 的日历体验,为用户提供更便捷高效的日程管理。
The main button in Microsoft Teams that you use to send a new DM or create a new channel will soon include an option to ...
IT之家 2 月 7 日消息,科技媒体 GHacks 昨日(2 月 6 日)发布博文,报道称微软为 Microsoft Teams 应用推出超级分辨率(Super Resolution,SR)功能, 尤其针对网络状况不佳等状况,利用 AI 技术提升视频通话质量。
Want to learn more about Microsoft's family of Copilots? Here's our guide to Copilot and Copilot in Microsoft 365, as well as ...
We list the best Microsoft Teams apps, to make it simple and easy to improve office productivity. Microsoft Teams has developed a pretty strong reputation as one of the best video conferencing ...
A part of the Microsoft 365 subscription service that includes programs like Word, Excel, Outlook, and more, Teams easily integrates with much of the software and many apps you are likely already ...