North Korea's Kim Jong Un criticizes the trilateral military cooperation between the United States, Japan and South Korea for ...
Late Saturday evening a powerful earthquake struck in the middle of the Caribbean sea. More details with Meteorologist Melinda Singh.
太戏剧了吧,执政党的议员表态不参加总统弹劾案投票,全员从国会离席,目前在野党发表弹劾声明正在一个一个叫名字让他们回来 #韩国民主党喊执政党议员回来投票# ...
On that day at the Constitutional Court, Director General Kim Hyun-tae said, "The mission I received was to seal off and secure the National Assembly building and the member's office building." When ...
6日的庭审中将有三位证人出庭接受问讯,分别是特战部队707特殊任务团团长金贤泰、前陆军特战司令郭种根、总统办公室经济首席秘书朴春燮。 预计当天的问讯将与第5场辩论时相同,证人将轮流接受国会方和尹锡悦方代理律师的问讯,尹锡悦将在问讯结束后获得发言机会,对证词发表意见。宪法法院在4日第五场辩论时裁定,不允许尹锡悦直接对证人进行提问,但可以在对证人的问讯结束后发表意见。(总台记者 张昀) ...
Six unique Boeing 747 jets for VIP travel, carrying an image akin to Air Force One for the heads of state in other nations ...
Experts urge South Korean investors to favor open-ended US ETFs over currency-hedged options Experts recommend that South ...
South Korean prosecutors indict impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol over his martial law, Yonhap news agency says.
South Korean prosecutors indicted impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol Sunday for being the "ringleader of an insurrection" after his abortive declaration of martial law, ordering the suspended leader to ...
Seoul, South Korea (Reuters) — South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol attended on Tuesday a Constitutional Court hearing of his impeachment trial where he denied ordering military commanders to ...
By Marc Santora and Helene Cooper Marc Santora traveled to the Russian border to meet with Ukrainians fighting North Korean troops in Kursk. Helene Cooper reported from Washington. The North ...