These are the building blocks of our Jewish future, and Jewish day school is where these students learn to build. PUPILS AT the Epstein School in Atlanta: Jewish day school alumni consistently ...
Slogans were daubed at a Jewish school, as well as at a nearby home and shopping center. It was not clear from reports if the home was Jewish owned. Among the messages vandals wrote were “You ...
They pore over Jewish texts in groups of two, a practice called chevruta, and in courses for up to five years. But for a cohort of students starting in January, rabbinical school is going to look a ...
One of the best parts of my job as a member of parliament is meeting and talking with young Australian school students. You are always so friendly, positive and optimistic and it always gives me hope ...
A Colorado high school is facing backlash after its basketball coach reportedly hung up a Palestinian flag during a game against a Jewish school and then refused to shake hands with the opposing ...