FILE - Coho salmon in Eagle Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River, in a 2009 file photo provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Rick Swart / Oregon Department of Fish and ...
A separate agreement advanced efforts to reintroduce salmon above Grand Coulee Dam on the upper Columbia River. In March of 2023, Biden, speaking from the White House, pledged to work with tribal ...
Jeremy FiveCrows, communications director for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC), said 15 to 20 million adult salmon and steelhead returned to the basin historically ...
SEATTLE— A federal analysis of dams in the Columbia River basin released today fails to move toward the only viable alternative for saving salmon and the Southern Resident killer whales that rely on ...
This six-episode series tells the story of the salmon of the Columbia River in a way not heard before: through the experiences of a tribal family that relies on the fish as essential to their way ...
Officials are still not close to reaching their goal of returning at least 5 million salmon and steelhead to the Columbia River Basin. However, new data shows a positive trend in total abundance ...
“Instead of taking the one step identified by scientists as absolutely crucial for salmon recovery, these agencies failed our region yet again,” said Meg Townsend, an endangered species attorney with ...