美国国务卿马尔科·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)与萨尔瓦多领导人进行了长时间的会谈后,萨尔瓦多星期一(2月3日)表示,愿意接收美国遣送的、来自世界各地的“危险罪犯”,并表示这一举措将能换取使该国监狱系统可持续发展的费用。
Violent tale of an audacious heist gone wrong. Six criminals - all with pseudonyms, and strangers to one another - are hired ...
Violent tale of an audacious heist gone wrong. Six criminals - all with pseudonyms, and strangers to one another - are hired ...
Colombia has offered to pay for the "dignified" deportation of its citizens from the United States, the foreign ministry said ...
近日,美国政坛迎来新变动,据美联社报道,克里斯蒂.诺姆(Kristi Noem)在 1 月 25 日经美国参议院投票确认,成为唐纳德.特朗普总统的国土安全部长,并于当日晚宣誓就职。