Today Islamic date in Bangladesh is calculated as per the lunar-based calendar which consists of 12 Lunar months in a year of 354 or 355 days. A Muslim must know about the exact Islamic date today or ...
There were, however, those who believed even at that time that the break with Pakistan was not desirable, and were opposed to what they believed amounted to the splintering of the Muslim ummah. In ...
citizen of Bangladesh and Pakistan in particular shall be under strict vetting as Bangladesh currently is witnessing rise of radical Islamic and jihadist forces, where militants and terrorists are ...
New Delhi: Prime Minister Muhammad Yunus led the bankrupt Bangladesh has been facing a major economic crisis since Sheikh Hasina was ousted from power. Amid the economic downfall, Islamists ...
3, JULY - DECEMBER 2000 Determinants of Divorce in a Traditional... This study examines the effects of spouses’ prior marital status and socio-demographic characteristics on the risk of divorce of ...
WorldFish, a global leader in research and innovation in sustainable aquaculture and fisheries, has recently appointed Dr Faruk-Ul Islam as the new country representative for Bangladesh.
Bangladesh's transitional government on Thursday officially recognized Kazi Nazrul Islam, the eminent poet of Bangla literature, as the national poet, officials told Anadolu. The government has ...
Claim: A series of footage showing a mob attack in Bangladesh was shared as an attack by Bangladeshi Muslims on properties, crops and livestock owned by Bangladeshi Hindus. Fact: BOOM found several ...