Kuendhen Wangyel, 20, from Thimphu, is about to travel to Brisbane, Australia, to study architecture at the Queensland University of Technology, which is set to cost more than $65,000 for the ...
Current local time in Thimphu (Asia/Thimphu timezone). Get information about the Asia/Thimphu time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
At Amankora, Bhutan, guests can join Sound Bath Sessions for deep relaxation and to regain emotional balance. Guests journeying in China will also find rejuvenating opportunities at Amanyangyun in the ...
Thimphu’s electoral favoured legislative experience in the general round of NA election, with both MP-elect from Thimphu having prior service in the Parliament. The People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) ...
In the general election held yesterday, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) emerged triumphant in both constituencies of Thimphu—North and South. In the North Thimphu constituency, the former MP and ...