In February 2023, a vast balloon the height of a 22-storey building entered U.S. airspace, with a payload weighing 2,000 ...
Each time one flies above Mach 1 is special. Most commercial pilots have never done it. Our reporter is not a pilot, but he’s ...
Millions of Canadians won't be in the deep freeze to kick off February as a forthcoming pattern change will reconfigure air ...
The Air Force, like other branches, has recently tried to broaden the number of people they reach to consider military careers that historically have had few minority service members in their ranks.
North America’s tallest peak is a focal point of Jeff King’s life. The four-time winner of the 1,000-mile (1,609-kilometer) ...
The Oregon Department of Aviation has been working on plans for proposed improvements at Aurora State Airport for the next 20 ...
Spirit Airlines has implemented a new policy banning passengers from wearing explicit or revealing clothing, such as exposed ...