(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 25 - In 2023, 1.3 million children in Italy belonged to families living in absolute poverty is 1.3 million, according to provisional figures released by ISTAT on Monday.
The wealth of Italy's billionaires in 2024 increased by 61.1 billion euros - or 166 million a day - reaching a total value of 272.5 billion owned by 71 individuals, Oxfam said in its report ...
Absolute poverty refers to a level of poverty where people struggle to meet daily needs, such as food, shelter, sanitation and healthcare. A report published in 2023, by the anti-poverty ...
Absolute poverty is when someone does not have access to basic human needs such as water, clothing, education and shelter. Most poverty is found in less economically developed countries (LEDCs).
“If taken forward, the impact of these proposals could be devastating and would undermine the government’s own commitments on poverty. The changes would inevitably increase absolute poverty among ...
The absolute poverty risk rate in Portugal varied between 8.5% and 12.6% in 2022, registering a decrease in the last 17 years, according to the interim report “Portugal, Balance Social 2024”.
A new World Bank report shows that poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest and no systematic increase in inequality, given the available data Challenges remain substantial: more ...