In other words, half of the CPUs AMD is selling today are still made for the old AM4 socket. And, of course, the last family ...
David McAfee, AMD head of Client Channel Business, was asked by TechPowerUp about the company's chip sales and whether they were skewed towards newer X3D processors.
AMD is absolutely dominating the CPU market in Germany: AM5 and AM4 sockets have 92% market share, leaving Intel with a ...
AMD's red wave continues to drown Intel across multiple markets. MindFactory, one of Germany's largest retailers, has some interesting numbers for January, as shown by YouTuber TechEpiphanyYT.
If AMD's victory over Intel in desktop processor sales used to be just a big one, now it's a crushing one. In January, «blue» ...
One retailer's sales figures shows AMD CPUs are outselling Intel alternatives in close to a 90:10 split, with 3D V-Cache proving particularly popular.
During AMD's recent Q4 2024 earnings call (transcript here ), AMD CEO Dr Lisa Su explained that the company "saw our highest ...
快科技2月5日消息,根据德国最大零售商Mindfactory的数据,AMD的CPU销量达到了23615块,占总销量的92.16%,而Intel的销量仅为2010块,占比7.84%。在收入方面,AMD的CPU销售额高达830万欧元,占总销售额的93.4 ...
根据德国最大零售商Mindfactory的数据, AMD今年1月在德国的CPU销量达到了23615块,占总销量的92.16%,而Intel的销量仅为2010块,占比7.84%。 具体来看,AMD的锐龙7 ...