研究人员发现了一种更快、更高效的 3D NAND 闪存深孔蚀刻方法,即使用先进的等离子工艺。通过调整化学工艺,他们使蚀刻速度翻倍,精度也得到提高,为实现更密集、更高容量的内存存储奠定了基础。 为了改进数据存储,研究人员正在完善三维 NAND 闪存 ...
为了改进数据存储,研究人员正在完善三维 NAND 闪存,这种闪存将单元堆叠起来,以最大限度地利用空间。研究人员发现了一种更快、更高效的方法,可利用先进的等离子体工艺在 3D NAND 闪存中蚀刻深孔。
Researchers from Lam Research, the University of Colorado Boulder, and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) investigated ways to speed up the cryogenic reactive ion etching process for 3D NAND ...
To store ever more data in electronic devices of the same size, the manufacturing processes for these devices need to be ...
快科技2月5日消息,3D NAND闪存的设计和制造非常依赖存储单元堆叠,由此可以大幅增加存储密度与容量,降低成本。 最近,来自Lam Research、科罗拉多 ...
3D NAND光刻胶产品简介 3D NAND光刻胶是一种特殊类型的光刻胶材料,用于制造 3D NAND闪存的光刻工艺。KrF是光刻中常用的光源(波长248 nm),用于在半导体制造工艺中较小的节点(通常低于 ...
To improve data storage, researchers are perfecting 3D NAND flash memory, which stacks cells to maximize space. Researchers ...
Yangtze Memory Technologies Co. (YMTC) has pushed forward with a 3D NAND chip that includes 294 total layers, out of which ...
NAND Flash is a type of non-volatile memory technology that has revolutionized data storage in the digital age. It is a form of flash memory, which means it can be electrically erased and reprogrammed ...