Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
日前,世界学者杯(THE WORLD SCHOLAR‘S CUP)决赛冠军轮在美国耶鲁大学正式开启。南通惠立学校的8年级的Zoey、七年级的Yannis和七年级的Sophia三位“小学者”,与来自全球140多个城市的5万名中学生同台竞技,最终脱颖而出,走上了这场令人振奋的国际赛事舞台。在此次冠军轮中,他们以出色的表现斩获2枚金牌和5枚银牌,载誉而归,向全世界展示了南通惠立学子的卓越风采。
Ex-Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp described the FIFA Club World Cup as 'useless' during a press conference as part of his new role at Red Bull, despite Red Bull Salzburg being in the competition.
China's Liu Mengting captured her first FIS Freeski World Cup in the women's big air event in Klagenfurt, Austria, on Saturday. Liu made personal breakthrough with a total score of 170.60 points, 0.40 ...