直播吧1月31日讯 体育用品公司阿迪达斯介绍了2025年FIFA世俱杯的官方比赛用球。阿迪达斯社媒表示:国际足联2025世俱杯,倒计时开始了,球准备好了,夏天见这款足球加入了美国的传统蓝色、红色、白色和星星的元素。并有Club World Cup ...
每年,世界各大芭蕾舞团都会接连上演这一经典的芭蕾舞剧《胡桃夹子》,这部舞剧仿佛化身成为一份伴着雪花而来的礼物,带来了芬芳甜蜜与阵阵暖意。 特别提醒:领奖时泰山大剧院将核实获奖信息及朋友圈转发截图是否一致,如若出现P图、未转发等情况,则取消领票资格。
South Korea's Go association on Tuesday apologized over disputed rules that led Chinese Go player Ke Jie to withdraw from the decisive third game of the LG Cup finals last week.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...