The Heartbreak Kid is a 2007 American black comedy movie directed by the Farrelly siblings. Featuring Ben Stiller, it is a remake of the 1972 film of a similar name. Likewise featuring are Michelle ...
Smokey and the Bandit 2 is a 1980 American action comedy film. Hal Needham directed it. It was initially released in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia. It is a sequel to the 1977 film ...
Are you one of those people who are wondering what the net worth of Janine Allis is? Janine an Australian businesswoman, author, and public speaker who rose to popularity by featuring as a “shark in ...
Escape from Fort Bravo is an American movie set during the Civil War. With a budget of approx $1,520,000, it was released on December 4, 1953. The film did decent box-office earnings of $3,158,000.
Lisa Ann Walter considers raising her four children — Jordan, Delia, Spencer, and Simon — to be the most meaningful aspect of her life. During her first marriage to Sam Baum, from 1986 to 1999, they ...
Life is not stagnant, and so are its phases. One cannot predict the next moment. Bonds change every minute, often resulting in situations that our hearts don’t agree to accept so soon. And when it ...