Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for a conservative administration, proposed a number of actions that would transform criminal justice policy at the federal level. They are likely to ...
It’s called the SAVE Act. It would require all citizens to produce a document like a passport or birth certificate each time they register to vote — even when they re-register if they move. This new ...
From targeting election officials to making us more vulnerable to cyberattacks, implementing the radical conservative agenda’s proposals would be disastrous for democracy. Project 2025, a blueprint ...
El Congreso se prepara para tratar una legislación que podría restringir el voto a millones de personas ciudadanas estadounidenses elegibles. Obligaría a toda persona ciudadana a presentar un ...
Un mayor tráfico en la frontera no justifica lo que sigue siendo un mal uso de las facultades de declaración de emergencia. Al usar estas facultades para intentar resolver un problema persistente de ...