Toronto, ON, Canada | Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates | Client: Waterfront Toronto in Partnership with Toronto Region Conservancy Authority (TRCA) and Infrastructure Ontario (IO) ...
2. Landscape architects have a plan. A big advantage of hiring landscape architects is that they’re trained to think about landscapes as systems. They will assess your property’s problem areas as well ...
Tulatoli Primary School is situated some 80 miles from Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Children’s drop-out rates and low attendance levels at primary schools being the main concern, the school ...
Landscape architecture combines art and science. It is the profession that designs, plans and manages our land. Landscape architecture has strong roots in the U.S., and early examples, such as ...
Roof produced a 10 percent decrease in building energy use over the winter months. The temperature on the green roof on the hottest summer days can be as much as 59 degrees cooler than conventional ...
The Nanhu site is currently a tapestry of small farms and canals on the edge of Jiaxing, a city of three million. Jiaxing is uniquely positioned between Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Suzhou, and is ...
New and non-recyclable materials used in homes and landscapes are often not designed to be recycled. These materials can consume enormous amounts of resources to produce and distribute and create ...
Landscape architects create healthy, safe, and beautiful outdoor places for everyone. As members of a STEM profession, they bring science and design together to make our communities better places to ...
The NY Upstate, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, and Illinois Chapters of the American Society of Landscape Architects are excited to announce the 2023 Great Lakes Region Climate Action Seminar. This is the ...
Proposed in 1982, the Central Artery/Tunnel Project (unofficially known as the “Big Dig”) is one of the most ambitious urban design initiatives ever undertaken in an American city. Design and ...
While progress has been made in identifying cultural landscapes during the past decade, much more work is needed to document these designed and vernacular places. Since 2010, landscape architecture ...