Suomen Akatemian myöntämä majakkastatus korostaa OtaNanon asemaa uniikkina huippututkimuksen infrastruktuurina. OtaNanoon kuuluvan kylmälaboratorion laitteistoa. Kuva: Mikko Raskinen/Aalto-yliopisto.
Our main research areas are algebra and discrete mathematics, analysis, applied mathematics and mechanics, stochastics and statistics, and systems analysis and operations research. We offer major and ...
Abstract: As the general capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) agents continue to evolve, their ability to learn to master multiple complex tasks through experience remains a key challenge.
This concise and compelling training program provides the basic knowledge and skills to manage projects effectively. You will learn how to move smoothly from project ideas to successful outcomes and ...
In December 2024, the Multifunctional Materials Design (MMD) group, led by Prof. Jaana Vapaavuori, and the Polymer Synthesis Technology (PST) group, led by Prof. Jukka Niskanen, joined forces to ...
This program will cover the key success factors of project business, project management models and standards, project management areas, and process groups. You will deepen your knowledge of projects, ...
Do you have questions about the Aalto University Summer School, like how to choose the right course? Join our online office hours! The summer school staff is happy to chat and help you with any ...
Answer the survey organized by the Digivision 2030 project by February 12, 2025, and you could win an iPad. The survey is conducted in Finnish. Are you interested in adding courses from another ...
In her thesis, Kunnaton discusses biological heritage and its role in identifying the multiple values of historic parks and gardens. Photo: Sofia Juntunen Cultural heritage and biodiversity are often ...