Who doesn't want to be rich? But why do we want to be rich? It may be true that you cannot buy happiness, but thinking about the positive role wealth can play in a good life might help us avoid the ...
Duke Divinity School will hold a Service of Word and Table in collaboration with the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies. The Very Rev. Timothy Kimbrough will preach. The Rev. Julie Kelly-Stump will ...
A Duke Divinity degree opens doors to a diverse array of fulfilling career paths, empowering graduates to navigate complex societal challenges and make a meaningful impact across a range of fields.
Duke Divinity School is committed to supporting a new generation of transformative leadership in support of healthy congregations and thriving communities. The Thriving Communities Fellowship is a ...
Duke Divinity School’s mission is to engage in spiritually disciplined and academically rigorous education in service and witness to the Triune God in the midst of the church, the academy, and the ...
"Magical thinking" is "if-then" thinking, which plays an important role in medical research and care, but falters in the face of mystery and the infinite diversity of human beings, and leads to a ...
The Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative's semi-monthly seminars are a regular gathering of faculty, students, clinicians, and others interested in the intersections of theology, medicine, and ...
Norman Wirzba pursues research and teaching interests at the intersections of theology, philosophy, ecology, and agrarian and environmental studies. He lectures frequently in Canada, the United States ...
The Divinity School hosted a small ceremony to honor James A. Gray, whose legacy of generosity continues to shape the experience of theological and religious education at Duke. Hays was an ...