Japanese candlesticks are extremely well known in the world of technical analysis. Did you know that there's another popular trading innovation from the same country? This is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo ...
What is the Centre of Gravity Indicator? The Center of Gravity indicator, also known as the COG indicator, is a graphical tool that helps to identify support and resistance levels. The classic form of ...
Veuillez noter que le calcul ci-dessous n`est qu`un exemple et peut différer des calculs réels en raison des divergences qui peuvent exister dans les spécifications des contrats propres à chaque ...
Standard deviation is a term derived from the statistical branch of mathematics and is a method used to describe the distribution of a set of data values. Standard deviation ascribes a value to how ...
If we had to sum up hedging in as few words as possible, we could probably trim it down to just two: mitigating risk. That, in essence, is the thinking behind a Forex hedging strategy. The classic ...