Uma exposição com 60 pinturas em xilogravura do Ano Novo Chinês foi inaugurada na sexta-feira, oferecendo uma prévia da comemoração da Festa da Primavera na China.
News via satellite from Nepal Television Kathmandu Nepal, in Nepali, no subtitles.
News via satellite from Nepal Television Kathmandu Nepal, in Nepali, no subtitles.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
廊坊今日天气,廊坊,颗粒物 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
En tres días ya podría hacer cumbre en el Everest. Tras descender, de nuevo se dirigiría al aeropuerto para coger el avión de ...
两篇有关世界不同地区事件的新闻,反映了先进绿色技术应用之必要,以解救各国避免环境生态进一步恶化,以及在气候变迁和不可持续发展下引发的危机进一步加剧。这两起事件是造成生命和财产损失的美国洛杉矶林火,以及影响印度新德里及其周边地区人口的不太明显但同样致命 ...
"It’s truly wonderful to be amidst such a diverse crowd celebrating their traditions and discovering new opportunities," remarked Waseem Zuberi, a Pakistani merchant who is exhibiting for his fourth ...
导语膜性肾病(MN)是一种具有不同病因的肾脏疾病病理组织学类型,典型特征为上皮下免疫复合物沉积引起的肾小球基底膜增厚,临床主要表现为肾病综合征或无症状蛋白尿。近10余年来,MN的发病机制研究有了较大进展,产生自身抗体的B细胞在MN中的致病作用逐渐被认知。因此,能够干扰B细胞产生免疫球蛋白的特异性药物在治疗MN中 ...
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish ...