Some of the people who want the iPod back argue that Apple is “losing money” by not reviving such an iconic product. The thing is, I think Apple knows that it probably wouldn’t sell that much iPod if ...
Gen-X people like me weren't raised to be in touch with our feelings and emotions. In my experience, the phrase “in touch with your emotions” was frowned upon. If I was upset about something ...
"I miss unique cellphones! Flip phones, slider phones, Sidekicks! Now, everything is just a rectangle. My first and favorite phone was the LG Voyager. Touch screen AND a full, tactile keyboard. I miss ...
We're here to support you. A first-generation student at SMU is a student where neither parent nor guardian has attained a four-year degree (including degrees earned outside the United States). Being ...
Apple Inc. AAPL co-founder Steve Jobs once dramatically rejected the first iPod prototype by dropping it into an aquarium. What Happened: This incident was recounted by former Apple employee Amit ...
First-Gen Week will be held on campus November 5-12 Boston College will celebrate its first-generation students—the first in their families to attend college—in November with a week of events and ...