对于一些用户,特别是喜爱 iPhone 5c 的用户来说,他们比较关心今年苹果会不会为这条产品线带来更新。遗憾的是,目前无论是媒体还是供应链都没有 iPhone 6c 的相关消息,业界认为苹果极有可能暂时搁置或彻底放弃这一产品线。但笔者更倾向 苹果iPhone 5c的销量一直不尽如人意,这也使苹果在18日发布了“廉价版”的8G版本。虽然8G版iPhone 5c拥有8G的储存容量,但实际可用的储存容 ...
An entry-level iPhone 5 smartphone, introduced in September 2013 along with the 5s. The 5c featured iOS 7, a completely redesigned OS for the first time since the iPhone's debut in 2007 (see iOS ...
This morning, Apple issued a press release announcing that the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c have sold more than 9 million units in their first three days of sales after launching on Friday in the US, ...