O Ministério dos Transportes da China pediu esforços para acelerar o desenvolvimento de padrões para a colaboração rodoviária e aérea no transporte de baixa altitude e inteligência artificial (IA), de ...
随着无人机在物流、外送、空中计程车等领域的应用在深圳等中国城市逐步落地,中国近年大力推进的“低空经济”正蓄势待发。中国国家发改委近日发布报告称,低空经济有望成为万亿元级的新经济赛道,并预计无人机飞手人才缺口将达百万。然而,业内人士与网民对此反应不一, ...
In the global wave of industrial transformation, Guangdong has embraced a development path that synergizes industry and ...
近日,全国科学技术名词审定委员会发布“2024年度十大科技名词”评选结果,人工智能+、低空经济、月背采样、量子科技、具身智能、混合现实、生物制造、近零碳、实景三维、微核糖核酸等科技名词入选。 1. 人工智能+ (artificial intelligence+,AI+) 指将人工智能技术与各行各业深度融合,推动产业转型升级和创新发展的一种理念与实践。它不仅是将人工智能应用于某一特定领域,而是通过技 ...
With the development of low-altitude economy, a new job called drone pilot has come into being in China. Today, let's follow a protagonist's step, to explore this new job.
▲ “轻型陆战队防空综合系统”(LMADIS)包括CM262U光学组件、RPS-42雷达和Skyview MP无人机侦测系统,可提供360度空中监视和远程无人机探测;安装有干扰敌方无人机通信的Modi ...
Com base no notável progresso alcançado nos últimos anos, os desenvolvedores de foguetes reutilizáveis comerciais da China estão prontos para alcançar novos patamares nos próximos 12 meses.
It was far above the 200 foot (roughly 61 meters) limit. That's not really too complicated to understand, is it???" Trump said in a post on Truth Social. The allowed maximum altitude for flights over ...
由全国科学技术名词审定委员会联合国家语言资源监测与研究中心等机构联合发起的“2024 年度十大科技名词评选活动”16 日在北京揭晓,人工智能+、低空经济、月背采样、量子科技、具身智能、混合现实、生物制造、近零碳、实景三维、微核糖核酸等科技名词入选。
Acumen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ABOS)股票已触及新的52周低点,交易价格为1.52美元,目前市值为9250万美元。根据 InvestingPro ...
云南人家 年饭 桌上的一锅菌菇汤,带来了春天的气息。菌菇形似小伞,被云南人认为有驱邪避灾、护佑家人的美好寓意,所以菌菇汤送给人们百邪不侵 “平安顺遂” 的祝福,这是平平安安、万事如愿、进展顺利的意思。